Sunday, March 6, 2011

The reality of Life

" Earth has no sorrow that Heaven cannot Heal!" Those were the words written on the card sent to me by a friend.  That
   was five years ago, we were then mourning the passing away of my husband.  Yes, after five years, my children and I
   have moved on and had to face the reality that our loved one is gone.  Sure, it is really painful to lose someone dear, but
   death is no respecter of person, young or old, rich or poor.  But time, has a way of mending hearts. Day by day, year by
   year, slowly,slowly, our aching hearts started to heal.

   Again, last week, a loved one, was put to rest.  He was young, handsome, and comes from a respected family.  He left
   behind a loving wife and children and a budding career.  How could a  promising life such as his,be cut in the bud so
   soon, we could only ask.  Someday, we will know the answer. Meanwhile, his loved ones will miss him so much, but
   surely, slowly, day by day, year by year, their aching hearts will mend and face life anew, with new hopes and dreams.

   Life is precious and short, thats a reality. Dont waste it. Live every minute of it. Be happy and  you will make your loved
   ones happy too!

1 comment:

  1. In due time we will know the answer but for the meantime let us not be weary in doing good!
